Snow Place Like Idahome for the Holidays

I sometimes feel like I must be the only adult who has a very difficult time saying goodbye to Christmas. I was always this way when I was younger, but each year (even as I age) I feel it more and more. This year was no different. I think the main reason for this is that the weeks leading up to the holiday season I was so busy with work and school that it was not until December 24th that I could catch my breath and really start to feel that special holiday spirit. Fortunately, even for the couple of days that it lasted, it really was magical. It has been a few years since Idaho has seen a white Christmas, so that made it feel extra special. It was almost as if God said "here ya go, AnDee, I know how much you love the snow on Christmas Day." It genuinely felt like a Christmas gift from my maker Himself.

Because this Christmas break was a particularly short one for us, we did not get around to do many of the things we try to do over the holidays. Regardless, it was immeasurably good. Braden, my darling husband, went to great extremes to make sure I had "the best Christmas ever" and he completely nailed it. Not only did he take time to pick out gifts he knew I would especially love, but he spent the day making me smile as he shared stories and helped my mom by doing dishes and preparing food. He is honestly a saint.

Although we did not get around to many of our favorite traditions, I regret not taking more pictures of the trudges through snow, the late night card game fun, and the delcious meals. But today as I sit in my office and reminiscence I am grateful for the few moments I did capture. I will treasure them forever, or, as a favorite seasonal song says: "these wonderful things are the things we'll remember all through our lives". I am so grateful for this special time of the year. It is always special to spend time with family and take a break from the hustle and bustle of life.

I hope you and your loved ones had a very Merry Christmas. May the love the Savior fill your heart and your home always.

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