Starting Strong

Hey friends, it's been far too long in my opinion, so let me get right into it!

Braden and I decided to take a leap of faith and make a bold goal for the year to travel more. It's always been something we've wanted to do, but with work, school, and covid craziness, it just never seemed like the right time. But last summer, we stumbled upon some crazy cheap flights to Orlando and thought, "why not?!" So we went for it and planned a vacation smack dab in the middle of our seasonal depression, and let me tell you, it was the best decision we've made in a while!

Our trip was a total game-changer for our mental health and reminded us how important it is to take time for ourselves and get away from the daily grind. This was their first real vacation we have had in years! Don't get me wrong, we love spending time with family and our little trips to Idaho and Arizona, but it's not exactly the same as a true "vacation," you know what I mean?

We've been back for a few months now, but I still wanted to share some photos from our first trip of the year. Who knows where our wanderlust will take us next, but for now, we're just enjoying the memories of our magical time in Orlando. Thanks for following along!

Day One: Epcot

Our first day at Disney World was a total blast, and we kicked things off by visiting Epcot. To be honest, we didn't think it would be as exciting as the other parks, but boy were we wrong! There was so much to see and explore that we hardly had time to hit any of the rides. We were so busy taking in all the sights and sounds that the day just flew by!

We had to leave Epcot a little earlier than planned because we were headed to Fort Lauderdale next, which was about a 3-hour drive from Orlando. But despite the time crunch, we still had an absolute blast, even if we did have to wait in line for over 2 hours for a ride that ended up breaking down before we could ride it. But you know what they say, it's all about the journey, not just the destination!

One of the things I loved most about Epcot was all the incredible details and new foods to try. I mean, they thought of everything! Maybe it was just the excitement of the first day of vacation, but out of the four parks we visited, Epcot was actually tied for my favorite, which I definitely wasn't expecting.

PS As someone who can get a little bit anxious in crowded places, I thought I'd share a little tip with you all that has been a game changer for me - Warheads!

Yes, you read that right - those super sour candies that make your face pucker up like crazy! I've found that carrying a few Warheads with me when I go to theme parks or other busy places can really help me feel more relaxed and at ease. Whenever I start to feel overwhelmed by the crowds or the noise, I just pop one in my mouth and let the sourness work its magic.

I know it might sound a little bit strange, but trust me - it really works! And hey, even if you're not a fan of sour candy, there are plenty of other things you could try to help ease your anxiety in crowded places. Maybe bring a favorite book or some calming music to listen to, or try practicing some deep breathing exercises.

Anyway, I just wanted to share this little tip with you all in case it could be helpful to anyone else out there who struggles with anxiety in crowded places. Let me know if you have any other tips or tricks for dealing with this kind of thing - I'd love to hear from you!

Day Two: Fort Lauderdale

Our second day of vacation we spent in Fort Lauderdale, which is where Braden served his mission back in 2016-2018. It was so special to finally get to see the place I've heard so much about and to explore it with Braden by my side.

The weather was definitely a little colder than we expected for Florida, but coming from Utah, it was nothing (except for the fact that we definitely packed for warmer temps - oops!). But of course we had to hop in the ocean any way! I'm sure the locals thought we were crazy, but we couldn't resist the beautiful blue water.

And let me tell you, we had some of the most delicious gelato I've ever tasted! I still talk about it to this day - the flavors were incredible, and if it wasn't for their limit of two free samples, I would have rated it a 10/10 (ONLY TWO?!?!). But hey, I guess that just means we'll have to go back and try even more flavors next time.

One thing I absolutely love about Florida is the colors. The ocean, the sand, the art - it's all so stunning and vibrant. Everywhere you look there's a pop of color that just makes you feel happy and alive.

Day Three: Sunday

As you know, Sunday is a special day for us and we always make it a priority to attend church, even when we're traveling. The ward we went to in Fort Lauderdale was a Spanish-speaking ward and I didn't understand everything that was being said, but the spirit there was so sweet and you could feel the love the members had for the Savior. It was such a beautiful experience.

After church, we decided to stop by the Fort Lauderdale temple grounds. Unfortunately, the building was closed (temples, unlike church buildings, are not open on Sundays), but we got to see the outside and it was absolutely stunning. It's always amazing to see the beauty of these sacred places.

Our next stop was Sam's Club to get some gas before heading back to Orlando to finish off our trip. And, I have to admit, I couldn't resist picking up a $10 jacket while we were there - I just couldn't take the cold any longer!

Of course, we couldn't leave Fort Lauderdale without stopping at the beach one last time. It was just as breathtaking as it had been the day before, and we made sure to take in every moment of it.

And then, it was time for the 3-hour car ride back to Orlando. But don't worry, I had my trusty rainbow mentos to keep me company while we listened to the Chronicles of Narnia on Audible. It was the perfect end to a wonderful day.

Day Four: Animal Kingdom

Oh, day 4 had finally arrived, and it was time for Animal Kingdom! Out of all the parks, I was most excited for this one. However, I must admit, I was also the most disappointed. Don't get me wrong, it was still a blast, but I think I may have set my expectations too high. Nevertheless, I loved seeing all the animals and the park's intricate details. It was a different experience than any other Disney park I've visited. Plus, I must say, even though it wasn't my favorite park, it definitely had the best food. I'm still drooling over Mr. Kamal's French fries! But, let me tell you, the popcorn at WDW is a total mirage. It smells much better than it tastes, so don't waste your money!

Since Animal Kingdom closes earlier than the other parks, we headed to Disney Springs to walk around and grab some grub. We ended up at a pizza place (I can't remember the name), but the pizza was fantastic. I reckon it tasted even better because we were starving! Of course, we had to stop at our favorite ice cream place, Salt & Straw. We don't have one near us, so when we get the chance, we go all out!


Day five of our vacation was an absolute dream come true! We spent the day at Hollywood Studios, and it was magical. The park had this nostalgic feeling to it, which made me reminiscent of my California Adventure days. I was so emotional and happy being there. Toy Story Land was my all-time favorite and I couldn't stop gushing over every tiny detail. We also got to ride Rise of the Resistance for the first time and oh my goodness, it was incredible! I feel so grateful for the brilliant people who create such special experiences like that. Speaking of Star Wars Land, here are my two cents: do not drink the blue or green milk (blech!) and make sure you get the fast pass (or whatever they call it now) to ride Rise of the Resistance. Overall, it was a pretty laid-back day, although Braden did try to pretend-proposed to me in front of a photo pass worker, which was equal parts hilarious and humiliating. Luckily, I stopped him before he could finish, and the photographer didn't get any snaps.

We ended the day with some Chick-fil-A and hit the hay early to rest our legs in preparation for our last day!

Day Six: Magic Kingdom

We spent our last day at Magic Kingdom and it truly lived up to its name. It was as if we were transported to a world of wonder and enchantment. Of all the parks we visited, this one stole my heart completely.

Braden and I spent the day hopping from one ride to the next, giggling like two kids in a candy store. And the food! Oh my, the food was absolutely scrumptious! We indulged in all our favorites and discovered new delights along the way.

As we walked hand in hand through the park, taking in the sights and sounds around us, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude for this sweet trip we had just experienced. It truly felt like the perfect end to our adventure together.

Being at the park with Braden brought back memories of our early years together, when we were young newlyweds without a care in the world. It was wonderful to relive those moments and see the joy and excitement in each other's eyes.

I'm so grateful for this trip and for the opportunity to experience new things with my love. I can't wait to see where our journey together takes us next. Here's to many more magical adventures with the one I love most!

P.S. We went on this trip with out very good friends and their sweet baby. Photos of them and details were not published out of respect for their privacy :)

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