Day Four: Food

Clearly I have Thankgiving on my mind this week. I am currently salivating just thinking about the mashed potatoes and turkey gravy (why is it that we only make the best kind of gravy once a year?!) that I am going to devour within seconds of filling my dinner plate on Thursday.

My love for food is something that is hard to explain. Not only does delicious food have the power to turn a bad day into a good one, but it has a way of bringing people together, and I love that.

Many of my core memories somehow involve food. One of these memories took place several years ago when I had a conversation with my brother where I remember him saying, with an intense conviction in his voice, "I am starving!" he then paused for a few moments and humbly corrected himself by saying "Actually, I don't know what it's like to starve." In the time that has passed since this interaction I have repeatedly reflected on it. I grow increasingly more impressed by the maturity my twelve-year-old brother showed that day when he decided to not let what he didn't have ruin what he did have. In the middle of difficult trials it is never easy to see an alternate point of view (and I personally cannot blame anyone for not doing so), but a shift in persepctive is often beneficial. I have never lived a day without a shirt on my back or victuals to sustain me, but many do. I am grateful to be counted among the fortunate few who don't have to worry about when their next meal will be or how they will pay for their groceries. I hope I know better than to take these small things for granted, because to millions-too-many they are not small things at all. #givethanks

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