Day Seven: The Little Things

I am currently sitting at my desk counting down the minutes to Thanksgiving break. I do not have a lot to do at work today, so the "mindless scroll" it is. This is never a great idea, and in an online world where most of my followees have already started their long weekend this time-passing tactic is especially counterproductive. So, as an alternative, I am here trying to distract myself from my go-to method of distraction. Fortunately I still have one day left of #givethanks, so this ought to pass the time somewhat.

Remember that weird song that Bing Crosby sings in White Christmas about counting blessing instead of sheep? Well, my version of that song is a little different. It goes something like this:

When you're at work

and cannot leave

just count your blessings

...instead of the minutes until Thanksgiving break

Ha! Do you like it? Sure the rhyme scheme is a bit off, but it's art! *wink*

All joking aside, today I wanted to write a list of the little things that I am grateful for. I am out of the habit of doing this regularly, but it is something that has helped me in the past and a practice that is worth reviving. I challenge you, whoever you are and whatever mood you are in, to take a few minutes of your day to write down things you are grateful for. If you need a place to start, feel free to cheat off of mine.

  • fresh flowers
  • poems that rhyme
  • pizza
  • the french tuck
  • toothbrush
  • toilet paper
  • the sound keyboards make when you type
  • the smell of Home Depot
  • cars
  • mechanics
  • movie theater popcorn
  • puns
  • clean water
  • warm bed
  • Christmas
  • movies
  • movies that make me cry
  • movies that make me smile
  • naps
  • forks
  • butter
  • salt
  • turkey gravy
  • Costco's $1.50 hot dogs
  • ibuprofen
  • private swimming pools
  • karaoke nights
  • red kites
  • nail clippers
  • chocolate covered strawberries
  • The Book of Mormon
  • good doctors
  • vacations
  • staycations
  • pillows
  • books
  • beautiful clothes
  • warm socks
  • shoes
  • that feeling when someone you love calls you
  • true love
  • Jesus Christ
  • fresh manicures
  • when someone else makes dinner
  • photographs
  • memories
  • good dreams
  • vacuum lines
  • the smell of the ocean
  • snow
  • babies
  • bodies
  • my dimple
  • birthday weeks
  • thick hair
  • Buzz Lightyear churros at California Adventure
  • Google
  • the way the mountains look in the winter
  • getting dressed on Sundays
  • rainbows
  • sandy beaches
  • airlines that include carry-ons in the ticket
  • Trader Joe's
  • hammocks
  • laughter
  • the words "I love you"
  • pickleball
  • pickles
  • vegetables
  • sleeping in
  • TJ Maxx
  • grocery stores
  • apple trees
  • the smell of freshly mowed grass
  • scented candles
  • sisters
  • brothers
  • shades of green
  • weekends
  • Fridays at 4:45 p.m.
  • walking on crunchy leaves
  • dogs
  • pollinators
  • weddings
  • cake
  • my mom
  • my dad
  • my Braden
  • space heaters
  • the feeling of being home
  • PTO
  • ducklings
  • road trips
  • creating
  • doing better on a test than you thought
  • sunshine

Maybe you found inspiration from the list above, and maybe you didn't. Regardless, I hope your well-deserved long weekend doesn't end too soon. May your belly be full and may the political talk be avoided. Happy Thanksgiving!

“He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.”


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