Day Six: Compliments

Have you ever received a compliment that meant so much to you it still brings a smile to your face years later? Once, back when I was living at home with my parents, we were gathered around the dinner table and I excitedly poured some orange juice into a goblet that I had found earlier that day. I raised my glass and with a big smile on my face exclaimed "Cheers!". My mom then, grinning herself, said "I have never met someone who finds as much joy in life as AnDee.". To this day that has been the best compliment I have ever recieved. In all honesty when she made this statement I did not feel it to be true, but because it meant so much to me I wanted it to be true. So, I worked at it. I focused on adjusting my attitude, and when life got hard I looked for the joy. Thank goodness perfection does not come in this life, because I have a long way to go before I can live up to such a sweet tribute, but it's a start.

Compliments, when given sincerely, have a innate ability to change people. In my personal opinion the world would be a better place if we each complimented someone at least once a day. We would feel happier because we showed love, and they would feel happier because they felt it. Today I am thankful for those who take the time to grace me with a thoughtful "you are very patient" or "that dinner you made was delicious". To the complimentor words such as these are probably forgotten as soon as they leave their lips, but to the complimentee they are usually engraven on their heart and never forgotten. Remember your words have more power than you know, so use them wisely.


P.S. It is hard to find a picture to go with "compliments", so the photo above is of the aforementioned goblet I referred to in my story.

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