WOW! Guys, I am DONE! ADHD notwithstanding. No more exams, no more discussion boards, no more crying myself to sleep--well, okay, there is definitely crying myself to sleep in my future, but it will have nothing to do with school. My selective memory is currently trying to convince me that "that actually wasn't too bad.", but my past self would beg to differ.

I wanted to write this post to help encourage anyone who is fighting to reach a goal. It's rotten, isn't it? Believe me. I have been there, in fact, I am there. It seems every time I reach an achievement the desire to start along a new path shows up in the most enticing way, and I can't rest until I reach the end of that road. Ya feel? Any way, I wanted to share with you just a couple of tricks that have helped me climb the figurative mountains of life that have often felt insurmountable.

Find your "why"

I remember, a couple of years ago after a long and hard semester, I had the thought "Maybe I should just dropout of school?". I had a good job at the time and a heap of ambition, and I knew plenty of successful people who never obtained a college degree, so why couldn't I do the same? Almost as soon as this thought entered my mind it was replaced with another--"But what would I tell my kids?". I didn't have children at the time, and I still don't, but my someday babies are one of the main reasons I have endured to the end of my college education. You see, whoever they are and whenever they may come, I already love them, and because of that I expect them to always do their best. I expect them to learn and to grow and to follow the commandments (i.e. obtaining an education), and it would be completely unfair of me to put those expectations on their shoulders if I had not done the same for myself first. Maybe you can relate to this, and maybe you can't, regardless the number one rule when setting a goal is to decide why you are aiming for it. There will be days when you feel completely burnt out with no desire to move forward, on those days having a "why" might be the only motivation you can find. So, come up with a purpose, and make it a good one--good enough to encourage you to climb out of bed on your darkest days.

Below is one of my favorite poems, that I have recited to myself over and over again over the past several years, maybe it will help you, too.

"Stick to your task 'til it sticks to you;

Beginners are many, but enders are few.

Honor, power, place and praise

Will come, in time, to the one who stays.

Stick to your task 'til it sticks to you;

Bend at it, sweat at it, smile at it, too.

For out of the bend and the sweat and the smile

Will come life's victories, after awhile."

-Author Unknown

Write it Down

My second piece of advice is actually tied for first, so go ahead and file this under "most important" along with my previous suggestion. The summer before my junior year of high school I was in a major slump. In nearly every aspect of my life things were going wrong. At this time my dad sat me down and told me I needed to write down at least five goals by the end of the week and report back to him. When I finished with my list I taped the sheet of paper to my wall and read it aloud every morning before I started my day. I don't recall any of the goals I set that summer, but I do remember reaching every single one of them. I honestly cannot explain it, but there is power in taking the time to write something down. Dreaming is important, but it's not enough. The second you write something down your brain will begin to come up with a plan on how to do to accomplish it. After you write them down make sure you put them somewhere you will see them every day! My laptop is covered with post-it notes--each with a different goal. I read them daily and reach them consistently. I am well aware that this tactic might seem silly, but I am telling you it works! Please, for the sake of your aspirations, heed my advice.


I wanted to end this post with some words of encouragement. Without a doubt you will hear or read many things like this throughout your process of struggling through the long journey you have ahead of yourself, but I am going to say it any way.

You'll get there. You really will. Stay focused and you'll succeed. I promise you that you will face setbacks and there will be times when the unfairness of the world will overshadow all of your efforts, but you'll make it through. You will find a way to navigate through the trials. And when it is all over, and you've reached the finish line, you'll look back and feel grateful for every step you had to take. The bad days will make you stronger and the good days will build your confidence. You're going to absolutely kill it! And I cannot wait to watch you succeed!

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