iPhone Photography

Once you start your photography hobby the number one question you will get asked will be: "what gear do you use?".

If you are anything like me, this question will be one that brings out insecurities in you--don't let it! Photographers should never be defined by their equipment. I know several photographers, and the best can make do with entry level gear--even a smartphone. In my personal experience some of my favorite images I have ever shot were captured on my Canon Rebel t6 (if you are in the market for a good camera to get you started, this is my #1 recommendation) If you need more words of encouragement check out this YouTube video.

What is long exposure?

In photography long or short exposure refers to have fast the shutter speed is in any given photograph. When the shutter speed is fast this means the shutter opens and closes quickly, capturing movement in a way that makes it look as if it has stopped, as represented in this photo:

Whereas a slow shutter speed means that the shutter is open for a longer period of time, which captures movement as it is moving and creates an image out of that, as shown here:

Now, don't let this intimidate you, as I mentioned earlier there is so much that can be done in terms of photography without fancy equipment. In this post I am going to show you how to capture long exposure photos with just your iPhone. It is easy peasy, I promise! And your photos are going to look AMAZING!

What you will need:

All you need for this little project is an iPhone and your brilliant creative mind.

Step 1:

  • Find a moving object (for my example I chose a waterfall) and open up your camera app on your phone. Make sure you are shooting in Live mode the two indicators that your camera is in fact in live mode are shown in the image below. If it is not on, all you need to do is toggle the circle icon in the top right-hand corner. Now snap the pic as you normally would!

Step 2:

  • Once you have snapped the photo open up your photo app and select the image you just took. In the top left-hand there will be a drop-down list, select that and when the list appears select the "Long Exposure" option.

The Finale:

This simple trick will take photos from ^ that...to this:

RECOMMENDED last step (optional):

  • To take your iPhone photography to the next level, I strongly encourage you to download and install the Lightroom app (it's free!). You can use this app to adjust the colors and lighting in your photos. I use it ever day and I cannot say enough good things about it. If you are wanting to learn more about photography GET THE APP! It will completely change how you create! Below is the above image after made some quick adjustments using Lightroom.

I hope you learned something new today! I cannot wait to see where your creativity takes you! :)

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