When I was first got into photography, with my point-and-shoot camera in my hand, I struggled to find subjects to practice on. If you find yourself in a similar creative rut, I want to suggest you start with yourself. Because you are a very unique and beautiful subject, and it's a great opportunity to experiment with your personal style and, of course, update your profile picture *wink*. You know yourself better than anyone and if your goal is to capture the personalities of others with your work, capturing your own is a great way to exercise that artistic muscle. So, pick up your camera, pull your tripod out of your coat closet, and put on your favorite outfit. I can't wait to see what you come up with.

Need help getting started?

I get it. I have been there before. If you need help coming up with a creative self-portrait there is absolutely no shame in Googling examples or going to Pinterest for inspiration. And, since you are already here, feel free to take a look at some of my favorite self-portraits from over the years. Remember, creativity isn't like money. The more you use the more you get! It doesn't go away unless you don't use it. Invest it by putting it to use. It doesn't have to be perfect. Start where you are and have fun with it!

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